Animal Shelters

As an avid animal lover and believer in giving back to the community I've found great satisfaction in using my photography to present shelter animals to the public as deserving pets and companions. Better photography helps market available pets and maximize adoptions ~ an effort we hope will reduce the abuse and neglect of domestic animals and lower rates of euthanasia.
Military Homecomings

BCP is proud to offer military homecoming coverage. As a military spouse, I also understand the importance of having this special coverage available. After months and months apart, nothing is more emotional than the reunion of a family back together. I have been a part of numerous homecomings, and each one is always special. I thoroughly enjoy capturing heartwarming images, and encapsulating every hug, smile, and tears in a photograph. I offer this special service to all branches and their families that are welcoming their service member back home for a discounted rate. Bonus perks are also included!
Please specify the following in your email:
Name of Service Member
Date and time of homecoming
Squadron/Unit name
Homecoming Location
Please do not post date and time of your homecoming here on my website or facebook page for OPSEC reasons.